Syncing Photo Sites

Currently, I’ve managed to disseminate my blog articles to several different blogs (coming in how localhost/WordPress works part 3). One thing I’m looking for is a way to sync photographs from multiple sites. Like using WordPress as my front end to multiple sites, I truly love Flickr and its tools and plans on always using it as my primary photo storage site. I could manually upload to other sites I use, but what fun is that? Making everything work behind the scenes by itself is one of my sick little pleasures.

We have two possible solutions to make this work – client side or server side.

Client-side I could download and manually upload all the photos to each site I possibly use and use third-party tools to manually sync all the photos to each individual site I could possibly want the data to be uploaded to. This option I may break down and do, but like I said I don’t want to.

Server side – what I want.

I want to be able to upload the data to Flickr and set the data to automatically be synced to other sites across the net. Some of the sites I would like to sync data with are Photobucket, Myspace, Facebook, and anything where I can get used to it.

Does anyone know of a tool that exists that can sync from Flickr to other services?