Mobile Blogging, Is It Possible For Me?

This Nokia device will take a bit to get used to, but most of the problems stem from fat thumbs. The more I do it the faster it becomes.

The predictive typing helps a bit and I can say it actually gives me time to think about what I am writing. If I was going to sit at a coffee shop though I think I would carry a Bluetooth keyboard with me. This would be great for IM or Twitter.

I think I have been won over but I’m still going to wait at least a few days before I order one. I don’t plan on getting a WiMAX service so that’s not really a selling point. I do however see this easily becoming my dream “cloud computing” device. A simple and steady web interface that can easily jump onto any wifi hotspot and go.

I also need to check how Qik works from this. Yes, I did write this whole post on the tiny keyboard, now I guess I know how blackberry users do it.