This post has multiple parts to it, so fair warning I’m guessing this one is going to be long. Lately, I’ve been more and more annoyed at traditional hard-copy media. It’s a pain in the butt to deal with and takes up way too much physical space (for those that know me you find that sentence greatly amusing).
This started happening over the last year with photo albums. Photo albums are terrible. It means normally that one person has a copy of the image and you can’t share them. It is essentially the technology of the last generation. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a believer in having prints, but the pictures themselves.
I’ve made it my mission to start getting the family photos and scanning them in. I’ve managed to get most of my father’s photos from the era he was with my mother. The ones I’m missing are any he has of the kids hanging on the walls in his house. My next run is going to be the pictures from his current family (so a good 15-16 years’ worth of pictures to go).
My grandmother on the other hand has been very tightfisted with her photos. I can understand her being protective, but so far I’ve managed to get 59 photos out of her to scan (out of literally over 1000-2000). I have managed to scan my photo album, and more recently used the digital SLR and took pictures of my scrapbook from high school. So both of these can be tucked away in boxes that I don’t need to look at and take up physical space in my house.
All the photos I have are now uploaded to Flickr. You can also read about my photo-sharing issue with my mother over here.
Continued tomorrow in part 2