Why Can’t We Get Past Biased Politics

We all pretend to be politically correct. We are not. We all pretend to have blinders to race and religion. We don’t. All I hear on the radio and the news is the fact of what minority group is voting this way. What majority group is voting that way? Really I hate demographics of any kind since it just shows how we must have ways to separate people into divisions. We have democrats who never dare say they are anti-abortion – this would disenfranchise too many of their core constituents. We can’t have Republicans say that they are pro-choice – the complaints from the bible belt would be heard by aborigines in the Australian outback.

I want people just to be. It’s that simple we are all equal and different. Pointing out the differences, whatever our meaning, brings about one group hating another group because the other group stands for something they are against. I think that people need to stop voting the party line, there is no possible way every democrat or every republican can believe everything their parties believe in. Of course, many people will only vote for their own parties. We treat this like a game, that the parties are football heroes and elections are games. The presidential election of course would be the party’s Superbowl.

We should not be behind the parties like it is a game. This is about leadership and our future. If you say you would never vote for the opposite party than the one you think you belong in, well I’m sorry you are as narrow-minded and idiotic as anyone who put sheets on their head and terrorized African-Americans for the sake of moral safety and decency. Fighting for your party or candidate is a great thing, make sure you do it for the right reasons.